













2023.02-至今,     英国365网站,教授/博导  


1. 本科生课程:机械制造工艺学

2. 研究生课程:先进制造技术、农业传感器


1. 机械工程;2. 农机配件表面改性;3. 磁性材料制备;4. 增材制造技术




1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:注聚泵金属易损件表面超声-淹没射流电沉积Ni-Co-SiC织构纳米镀层机理及性能研究,519740892020.01-2023.12,负责人。

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:多场耦合沉积Ni-TiN纳米镀层的钻井泥浆泵易损件再制造机理及性能研究,514740722015.01-2018.12,负责人。

3. 中国博士后科学基金项目:基于Ni-TiN纳米镀层的钻井泥浆易损件再制造研究,2015M5814252015.11-2017.11,负责人。

4. 黑龙江省科学基金项目:注聚泵金属易损件表面涂覆Ni-SiC织构纳米镀层的超声-喷射电沉积机理及性能研究,2018.7-2021.7,负责人。


1. Chaoyu Li, Fafeng Xia*, Liming Yao, et al. Investigation of the mechanical properties and corrosion behaviors of Ni-BN-TiC layers constructed via laser cladding technique. Ceramics International, 2023, 49(4): 6671-6677. (SCI检索, 一区TOP期刊, IF: 5.532)

2. Fafeng Xia, Chaoyu Li, Chunyang Ma, et al. Effect of pulse current density on microstructure and wear property of NiTiN nanocoatings deposited via pulse electrodeposition. Applied Surface Science, 2021, 538: 148139. (SCI检索, 一区TOP期刊, IF: 7.392)

3. Fafeng Xia, Qiang Li, Chunyang Ma, et al. Preparation and wear properties of Ni/TiN-SiC nanocoatings obtained by pulse current electrodeposition. Ceramics International, 2020, 46(6): 7961-7969. (SCI检索, 一区TOP期刊, IF: 5.532)

4. Fafeng Xia, Qiang Li, Chunyang Ma, et al. Preparation and characterization of Ni-AlN nanocoatings deposited by magnetic field assisted electrodeposition technique. Ceramics International, 2020, 46(2): 2500-2509. (SCI检索, 一区TOP期刊, IF: 5.532)

5. Fafeng Xia, Wanchun Jia, Chunyang Ma, et al. Preparation and wear assessment of ultrasonic electrodeposited Ni-TiN thin films. Ceramics International, 2018, 44(10): 11070-11076. (SCI检索, 一区TOP期刊, IF: 5.532)

6. FaFeng Xia, WanChun. Jia, R. Yang, et al. Synthesis and characterization of Ni-doped TiN thin films deposited by jet electrodeposition. Applied Surface Science, 2018, 434: 228-233. (SCI检索, 一区TOP期刊, IF: 7.392)

7. Fafeng Xia, Qiang Li, Chunyang Ma, et al. Design and properties of Ni-TiN/SiC nanocoatings prepared by pulse current electrodeposition. International Journal of Electrochemical Science2020, 15(2): 1813-1829. (SCI检索, 四区)

8. Fafeng Xia, Xudong Zhao, Minzheng Jiang, et al. Influence of nozzle-fluid velocity on morphology and wear resistance of jet flow electrodeposited Ni-doped SiC composites. AIP Advances, 9(6): 065310. (SCI检索, 四区)

9. Fafeng Xia, Wanchun Jian, Chunyang Ma, et al. Synthesis of Ni-TiN composites through ultrasonic pulse electrodeposition with excellent corrosion and wear resistance. Ceramics International, 2018, 44(1): 766-773. (SCI检索, 一区TOP期刊, IF: 5.532)

10. Fafeng Xia, Wanchun Jian, Minzheng Jiang, et al. Microstructure and corrosion properties of Ni-TiN nanocoatings prepared by jet pulse electrodeposition. Ceramics International, 2017, 43(17): 14623-14628. (SCI检索, 一区TOP期刊, IF: 5.532)

11. Qiang Li, Fafeng Xia*, Guifen Liu, et al. Microstructure and Properties of Jet Pulse Electrodeposited Ni-TiN Nanocoatings. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2022, 31(11): 8823-8829. (SCI检索, 四区)

12. Fafeng Xia, Jiyu Tian, Weichi Wang, et al. Effect of plating parameters on the properties of pulse electrodeposited Ni-TiN thin films. Ceramics International, 2016, 42(11): 13268-13272. (SCI检索, 一区TOP期刊, IF: 5.532)

13. Fafeng Xia, Weixian Yue, Jindong Wang, et al. Synthesis of Ni-TiN composite nanocoatings by magnetic pulse current deposition. Ceramics International, 2015, 41(9): 11445-11448. (SCI检索, 一区TOP期刊, IF: 5.532)

14. Fafeng Xia, Huibin Xu, Chao Liu, et al. Microstructures of Ni-AlN composite coatings prepared by pulse electrodeposition technology. Applied Surface Science, 2013, 217: 7-11. (SCI检索, 一区TOP期刊, IF: 7.392)

15. Fafeng Xia, Jiyu Tian, Chunyang Ma, et al. Effect of pulse frequency on microstructural, nanomechanical, and wear properties of electrodeposited Ni-TiN composite coatings. Journal of Applied Physics, 2015, 116(23): 234302. (SCI检索, 二区, IF: 2.877)

16. Chunyang Ma, Huaxing Li, Fafeng Xia*, et al. Effect of Ultrasonic Power on Microstructure and Properties of Ultrasonic-Assisted Electrodeposited Ni-Al2O3 Thin Nanocoatings. Transactions of the Indian Institute oF Metals, 2022, 75(6): 1669-1697. (SCI检索, 四区)

17. Minzheng Jiang, Chunyang Ma, Fafeng Xia*, et al. Application of artificial neural networks to predict the hardness of Ni-TiN nanocoatings fabricated by pulse electrodeposition. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2016, 286: 191-196. (SCI检索, 一区, IF: 4.865)

18. Chunyang Ma, Feifei Wu, Yumei Ning, Fafeng Xia*, et al. Effect of heat treatment on structures and corrosion characteristics of electroless Ni-P-SiC nanocomposite coatings. Ceramics International, 2014, 40(7): 9279-9284. (SCI检索, 一区TOP期刊, IF: 5.532)

19. Chunyang Ma, Danqiong Zhao, Fafeng Xia*, et al. Magnetic assisted pulse electrodeposition and characterization of Ni-TiC nanocomposites. Ceramics International, 2020, 46(11): 17631-17639. (SCI检索, 一区TOP期刊, IF: 5.532)

20. Chunyang Ma, Xue Guo, Fafeng Xia*, et al. Synthesis and characterization of Ni-P-TiN nanocomposites fabricated by magnetic electrodeposition technology. Ceramics International, 42(8): 10428-10432. (SCI检索, 一区TOP期刊, IF: 5.532)


1. “机械采油装备再制造关键技术研究及应用”获黑龙江省科学技术二等奖,2018.12,排名3

2. “多场耦合作用制备Ni-TiN纳米复合镀层的机理和表征研究”获大庆市科学技术进步奖,2017.09,排名3


1. 夏法锋, 马春阳, 国雪, . 一种射孔枪内盲孔加工装置及方法[P]. 中国发明专利, 202010103619.0, 2021.06.

2. 夏法锋, 马春阳, 田济语, . 泥浆泵缸套内表面电镀修复阳极旋转振动装置[P]. 中国发明专利, 201510110882.1, 2017.03.

3. 夏法锋, 王金东, 马春阳, . 一种基于PLC控制的阳极旋转真空电镀装置[P]. 中国发明专利, 201510478034.6, 2017.09.

4. 夏法锋, 马春阳, 李晓丽, . 柱塞表面超声波‑喷射电镀纳米镀层实验装置及实验方法[P]. 中国发明专利, 201710631546.0, 2019.03.

5. 王金东, 李颖, 夏法锋, , 超细长内孔类零件内表面电刷镀再制造装置[P]. 中国发明专利, 201810962583.4, 2020.04.

6. 马志鹏, 张茗瑄, 夏法锋, . 一种用于SiC陶瓷钎焊的Sn基钎料及其制备方法[P]. 中国发明专利, 202010210031.5, 2021.08.

7. 马春阳, 夏法锋, 陈贤序, . 一种多根管接头螺纹加工装置及加工方法[P]. 中国发明专利, 202011463159.9, 2022.01.


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2. 电子邮箱: xiaff@neau.edu.cn

3. 联系电话:15245927827

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